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Welcome First Pres. Macon

ABC Partnership & Needs

Become a CHANGEMAKER yourself! Will you take the step to put your faith into action today by either joining us in service alongside African Bible Colleges or providing financial support to the initiatives listed below?


We rely on individuals like you to continue the crucial work of ABC. Join us now and make a difference as a CHANGEMAKER today!

  • Distinctive of a Bible College Education
    The distinctive function of a Bible College/University is to prepare students for Christian General, and Professional Education. The Bible major (primary course of study) is at the heart of the Bible College/University curriculum. A Bible College/University may also offer Liberal Arts majors provided these are in addition to and do not displace the required Bible major or alter the objectives of the Bible College education.
  • Statement of Faith
    THE BIBLE The Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God, the written record of His supernatural revelation of Himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, final in its content, and without error. THE GODHEAD God is One God, who reveals Himself in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 1. The Father: who is Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in all His attributes. 2. The Son, Jesus Christ: His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, personal exaltation at God’s right hand and personal return. 3. The Holy Spirit: who is a Divine Person, equal with the Father and the Son and of the same nature. THE ESTATE OF MAN The fall and lost estate of man, whose total depravity alienates him from God, makes necessary his salvation. 1. Man’s salvation is only by grace, a free gift of God, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures. Those who thus are moved by the Spirit of God to receive Christ by faith have their sins forgiven, their hearts cleansed, are born of the Spirit, become children of God and are made new Creatures in Christ. 2. Saved, man is assured of eternal blessedness. Lost, man is assured of everlasting punishment in hell. THE CHURCH The church is the bride of Christ. In its universal aspect, it comprises the whole body of those who have been born of the Spirit, and in its local expression it is established for worship, mutual edification, and witness. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE If man is to fellowship with his Holy God, his Christian life must be holy. God in His grace has made this life available to man: 1. He has given him the Scriptures that he might see sin. 2. He has given him the Holy Spirit to convict of sin. 3. He has given His Son to pay the penalty of sin. 4. He has given him access to His throne of grace that he might confess his sin and be forgiven and cleansed. Christian living includes Christian service, the winning of souls and the preaching and teaching of the gospel in the uttermost parts of the earth in order to fulfill Christ’s great commission. 1. In carrying on this work there is needed the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. 2. In all this service prayer is to have the central place. THE CHRISTIAN HOPE Jesus Christ will come again to earth the second time. We are to look for His soon coming, yea, to long for it, for He will come personally, bodily and visibly and with power and glory.
  • Supported Ministries
    ABC Christian Academy ABC Mission Hospital Radio ABC ABC TV ABI (African Business Institute) Project Juembo Student Outreach Ministries
  • Code of Conduct
    African Bible Colleges (ABC) is for the establishment of a Christ-centered community that promotes unity. When you join our ABC staff team or student body you are to participate in a professional and God glorifying manner. No matter where you are, you are an ambassador for Jesus Christ and an ambassador of ABC. We expect ABC staff, missionary staff and students to strive to do all things with excellence in alignment with 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.

ABC Online Program: Building Bright Futures Anytime Anywhere

Can you give us a brief bio about yourself? I am deeply rooted in my faith as a believer, finding strength and purpose in my relationship with God. Alongside my academic pursuits, I am blessed to be a husband to my best friend, Rachel, and a cherished member of a loving family with remarkable parents, Deborah and Hanson. My vision of "Love & Lead" propels me forward, steering my passion towards governance and leadership, particularly in serving children and youth through sports and mentorship. What inspired you to pursue your online education and the specific program you’re enrolled in? My decision to pursue online education was rooted in a desire for flexibility and accessibility considering my busy schedule. Recognizing the importance of deepening my understanding of the Bible, I enrolled in the Biblical Studies program to align my academic journey with my faith journey to be better equipped in my servant leadership journey as I Engage, Equip and Empower the world changers I work with in my community. Can you share some of your academic achievements and accomplishments during your time as an online student? I've achieved both academically and personally. I excelled in coursework, deepening my connection with scriptures through dedication and hard work. This journey boosted my knowledge and molded my character. Completing my John Maxwell certification at ABC was a significant milestone. I also earned a master’s in development communication from Daystar University in Nairobi, graduating in November 2023. Online education's flexibility made this possible. Engaging with remarkable teachers and peers at ABC online enriched my academic journey. How has the support from donors or scholarships helped you with your education? Their contributions have supported my studies and spiritual growth, creating an environment for academic flourishing. Their generosity humbles me, and I deeply appreciate the tremendous support that has enabled my participation in challenging class sessions. How has your online education prepared you for your future career goals or aspirations? My online education is a steppingstone toward my career goals, offering a sturdy foundation in Biblical Studies and the flexibility to balance personal commitments and studies. It has equipped me with the skills and knowledge for a path of service, leadership, and mentorship, in line with my vision of "Love & Lead." What would you like to convey to the potential donors who are considering supporting the Online Program like yourself during the Christmas season? I would like to convey my heartfelt gratitude to potential donors considering supporting the Online Program. Your generosity not only transforms lives but also contributes to the development of individuals dedicated to serving others and the broader mission of education, faith, and service. Your support enables students like myself to pursue education, acquire valuable skills, and make a positive impact on our communities. As you consider giving, remember the impact your support has in shaping futures and nurturing individuals who are committed to "Love & Lead." Proverbs 11:25 - "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Your generosity is an investment in a brighter future for many.


Student Donor Highlight

Sponsoring an ABC student extends far beyond providing financial assistance and, in special cases, includes fostering lifelong friendships. This is exemplified in the story of Doug and Chisomo. Doug discovered ABC’s student sponsorship program through our partnership with the online giving platform DonorSee. Upon his first encounter with ABC, Doug expressed, "Wow, here are people who are truly motivated to learn and improve themselves," particularly inspired by Chisomo’s video and her enthusiasm for shaping her future.


Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Doug, aware of its global impact, was moved after watching Chisomo's video requesting help with school fees. He committed to sponsoring her throughout her time at ABC, providing more support than initially requested, and surprising Chisomo with this good news.


Chisomo, on the verge of discontinuing her education due to financial struggles in her second year at ABC, sought help through ABC’s DonorSee sponsorship program. To her surprise, she was granted the gift of education, thanks to Doug's support.

Their online sponsorship enabled Doug and Chisomo to connect, exchanging encouraging messages and updates on Chisomo’s studies.


Doug significantly influenced Chisomo's pursuit of higher education. With sponsorship, Chisomo completed her studies at ABC Malawi in June 2022 and now serves as the Deputy Public Relations Officer for the Malawian Ministry of Education, all because someone assisted her with tuition.


As their time at ABC drew to a close, Doug and Chisomo expressed a desire to meet if Chisomo ever visited America. Recently accepted to pursue her Master's Degree at Bowling Green State University, Chisomo plans to travel to America and meet Doug in person.


Their story illustrates how sponsoring an ABC student can create enduring relationships—a gift that keeps giving. You too can witness the impact of your generosity, fulfill a need, and make a profound difference in someone's life.


Join us in sponsoring an ABC ChangeMaker. Our sponsorship program enables real-time online connections with your ABC student, allowing you to share photos, videos, prayers, and praises across continents! We've received 78 sponsorships this year and aim for 122 more to achieve our goal of supporting 200 students!

A Brighter Future For Donor & Student

Dr. Paul Chinchen
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