Online Library Resources
Welcome to our comprehensive online library resources, meticulously designed to cater to the diverse academic needs of both students and faculty members. Whether you're a diligent scholar in pursuit of knowledge or an esteemed educator shaping the minds of tomorrow, our digital library hub is your gateway to a wealth of information and research materials.

Anywhere, Anytime
Key Featured Online Library Resources
JSTOR (short for "Journal Storage") is a renowned and invaluable digital library that stands as a pillar of support for researchers, students, and educators worldwide. To access ABC's JSTOR portal please contact your on campus librarian.
The mission of the OADTL is to make all open access content in religious studies (and related fields) discoverable by everyone, everywhere in the world through a single search experience for free forever in a non-commercial environment.
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a digital time capsule and a vast online library that seeks to preserve and provide universal access to a wide array of digital content, including websites, books, audio recordings, videos, and more.
the mission of the DACB is to collect, preserve, and make freely accessible biographical accounts and church histories – from oral and written sources – integral to a scholarly understanding of African Christianity.
The world's first free and open source library system. Koha is a fully featured, scalable library management system. Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes, volunteers, and support companies worldwide.
Another open-source library software different from Koha as it is server based, meaning that once you download the program internet access is not required. OpenBiblio is an easy to use, automated library system written in PHP containing OPAC, circulation, cataloging, and staff administration functionality.
Theological Librarianship is an online open access journal published by the American Theological Library Association. It includes essays, peer-reviewed articles, bibliographic essays, and book reviews.
Currently the mission of the program is publication of open access works on subjects at the intersection of librarianship and religious and theological studies that potentially impact libraries. Books@Atla seeks to provide resources that guide and support innovative library services and enhance professional development.
Third Millennium Ministries' free seminary training provides video seminary instruction, audio seminary instruction, audio sermons and lectures, seminary lecture manuscripts, books, magazine articles, and special sections dedicated to the study of Paul's letters.